The International conference dedicated to the 25-th anniversary of IWEB

The International conference dedicated to the 25-th anniversary of IWEB

The International Anniversary Conference

“Communication: International Practice”

will be held on 3  December 2015



Topics for discussion:

  • New opportunities and challenges for international business
  • The role of digital currencies and payments in global communication
  • New trends in modern integrated communications
  • Topical issues of professional and business communications and specialised translation


A special jubilee anniversary publication of “Communication: international practice” is planned to be released within the framework of the conference. After expert assessment the best article will be published in an English scientific journal included in the SCOPUS database.


Requirements for the article

  • Volume: 20 000 characters (approx. 14-20 typewritten pages)
  • Layout: 2.5 cm margins on every side, single line spacing, standard tab setting (1.27 cm), font Times New Roman 14 pts.
  • No charge for the authors’ implied
  • Submit your articles until 1 December   2015
  • The articles are included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


Article structure

The headline of the article

  • Font: Times New Roman 14, capital letters, central alignment, semi-bold
  • Brief abstract in Russian (Font: Times New Roman 12, single spacing, lower case, full justification, italics) –200-250 words
  • Key words (up to 10 words) (Font: Times New Roman, size 12, single spacing, lower case, full justification, italics)

Article outline

The article should be written in accordance with the “IMRAD” format (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion) and have the following structure:

  • introduction
  • theory
  • data and methods
  • model
  • final results
  • conclusion

Font: Times New Roman, size 14, single spacing, lower case, full justification, ordinary font

       - blank line –


Font: Times New Roman, size 12, single spacing, lower case, full justification, ordinary font



  • Font: Times New Roman, size 14, upper case, full justification, semi-bold font
  • The abstract in English –200-250 words (Font: Times New Roman, size 12, single spacing, lower case, full justification, italics)
  • Key words in English (up to 10 words) (Font: Times New Roman, size 12, single spacing, lower case, full justification, italics)


Requirements for annotations the abstract

The abstract should contain the following aspects of the contents:

-subject of research, research topic, objective, hypothesis;

-methods or methodology of carrying out the research

-the final results

-the field of application


        The abstract should be brief and laconic, devoid of secondary information, be notable for precise and cogent wording.


Requirements for the list of reference

The reference list should be placed at the end of the article and comprise at least 15 sources (both Russian and foreign (no less than 30-40%)). The total of permitted self-citation should not exceed 15%. For each source, the author should indicate the total number of pages used (for books), and the number of pages where it is located (for articles). The references within the text body should be given in square brackets ([]). Also, the author can mention the exact pages, if necessary. The sources are numbered in the same order as they are they appear in the text. There is no need to include the websites (except for copyright articles, monographs etc posted on the Internet), legal documents (laws, provisions, memorandums etc), and statistic collections into the reference list as they should be placed into the footnotes instead.   

Requirements for the in-cut notes

Numbering of the notes should be consecutive (regardless of the source language). The list of references is put after the article with the mention of the order of appearance within the article. The number of the source in the list is given in square brackets indicating the number (numbers) of pages after the comma. If there are several reference objects then they are joined in a complex reference.  In that case, the objects within are enumerated, being separated by semicolons. E.g. [15]; [15, p. 103–122]; [1, 15, 34]; [1, p. 235; 32, p. 18; 315, p. 8–22].